Friday, October 26, 2007


Do any of you guys watch Survivor?

If so, what did you think of the last two episodes?
Like last week's decision by one team to purposely lose the challenge?
And this week's decision by the other team to give James one immunity idol and tell him where the second one was?
And finally, how the whole plan blew up?
Wasn't that food challenge disgusting (for you non-watchers, contestants had to eat chicken hearts, eels, baby turtles including shell, chicken fetuses and 1000 year old eggs)? I thought so, and I'm Chinese!


soccer girl 24 said...
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Annie said...

I do not watch it

soccergoals11 said...

that was totaly gross and was wierd how they purpusley lost the challange. The grosest food was defintly the egg or the baby turtles, you had to eat the shell!