Michael Phelps has won 5 gold medals and set 5 world record at the Beijing Olympics and he still has 3 races left. He's one of the world's greatest athletes. So what does he eat? A really healthy, carefully chosen diet? No.
In an NBC interview, Phelps said that his typical day was spent "Eating, swimming and sleeping". He eats "mostly pasta and pizza". When the Olympics are over, he's probably "going to McDonald's."

Phelps eats at least 8000 calories a day (an average adult male should eat about 2500 calories)
A typical breakfast: three fried egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions, and mayo, one five-egg omelet, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast with powdered sugar, three chocolate chip pancakes, and two cups of coffee.

So, if you really like high cholesterol, high fat, high calorie foods and want to be able to eat them without fear or heart disease or getting fat, all you have to do is swim about 8 miles per day...
he burns to much calories so he has to eat like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever since I saw the interview I've been craving a fried egg sandwich...
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