Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Heard an interesting comment yesterday. At recess, a group of kids were talking to me about the new student. One person said "I see she's already gotten in with the power people."

Power people? Who are the power people and why do they have power? And power to do what? Determine who you are and where your place is? This is nonsense.

Here's a secret to happiness and success in life: People only have power over you if you give them power. If you don't like how people view you or categorize you or treat you, ignore them. Don't give them power.

The people who truly have power are those who share and those who care. People who truly have power are those who have the respect of others. People earn the respect of others by treating others with respect. People who truly have power don't take it, they earn it. People who truly have power are those who consider other people's interests, not just their own. People who truly have power listen to others and work with others towards a common goal. People who truly have power are willing to share it. People who truly have power are not bullies. They are leaders.

Why is Barack Obama gaining so much popularity? Because he has a vision in which we all work together to create a nation and a world which is a better place for everyone.

On the other hand, people who give you a negative label, like "weirdo" or "nature freak" are, guess what, bullying you. They are trying to take power from you so they can feel powerful. Bullies take many forms. They can be very subtle and do little things like criticize your clothes, or your interests, or your friends or make fun of how hard you work in school. But, in the end, all bullies have the same objective: they're trying to make you feel small so they can feel big. They're trying to take power from you. Don't give in.

Here's a secret about bullies: their behavior is the result of their own uncertainty. They are unsure of themselves, so they take actions to make others feel that way too. Unless they change their ways, bullies are rarely successful in life.

Don't give power to bullies. Don't be a bully yourself. Be a leader.

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