The assembly was a presentation by a guy who calls himself the Rope Warrior. He was amazing.

Before he demostrated his jump rope routine, he taught a bunch of kids some tricks. He did partner jumping, which is two kids using one short rope, first single file then side by side, and transport jumping, where the jumper moves along a line of people, jumping with each one in turn. Then he did Double Dutch. With Kindergartners.
As he was setting up, I thought "No way." He turned both ropes from one end and used two kindergartners at the other. Four other K's were the jumpers. They all jumped in successfully. Incredible.
Watching him and talking to him later taught me how to teach Double Dutch. I'm definitely going to try it soon.
The reason I'm writing about this is because the whole time I was watching him, I was thinking about you guys and your rhythmic movement project. It's too late for this year, but next year, I'm going to make some of the Rope Warrior's stuff part of my curriculum. That way, when it's time for the kids to invent their routines, they'll have some fresh ideas. In the meantime, here's a link:
my brothers friend Matty Fishers uncle is the rope warrior and is trying to get him to come next fall
The Rope Warrior's real name is David Fisher and he mentioned Matty to us. He also said that he would love to come to Park, but could only do it if he had a lot of exhibitions scheduled in the same area during the same week. That's because he lives in Chicago.
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