So, testing starts this week. Are you nervous? Try not to be.
I've always been a good test taker, so perhaps I can help. Here are some strategies that I use when taking tests:
1. Relax. Your brain works much better if you are calm. If your mind is racing, take a couple of slow, deep breaths and concentrate on breathing regularly. This slows your heart rate.
2. Use Positive Self Talk (see earlier post). Doing this really helps you relax. If you keep telling yourself you can do something, you will be able to do it.
3. Don't stress about time limits. Worrying about how much time you have left only makes things harder. It isn't a race, so work at your own pace.
4. Don't stress out if you can't answer the first few questions. This is probably because, despite all your efforts, your mind is racing and you are too excited. If you can't answer a question, don't dwell on it. This will add stress and waste time. Instead, move on the next question. If necessary, keep skipping questions until you find one that you can answer. Once you do that, you will calm down and will be able to do your best. Don't go back to the questions you skipped until the end or unless you flash on an answer (sometimes questions are related so answering one can help you answer another).
Good luck!